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Androlabs attends the Society for Endocrinology Conference 2021

Androlabs attends the Society for Endocrinology Conference 2021

The SfE congress provided us with a valuable opportunity to meet and connect with endicrinologists

Nov 8
Nov 10, 2020
Visit the ASESA website

This was our first year attending the event and it proved to be a very valuable and insightful experience for us, providing an excellent opportunity to connect with prescribers and listen to the latest advancements in the field. The conference took place as a face to face event from 8th - 10th November in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The healthcare professionals in attendance with predominantly endocrinologists who regularly prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and some of which were involved in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. We endeavor to ensure our products have the core characteristics that both clinicians and patients deem to be the most important when deciding between treatment options for hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction. Concerning TRT specifically, common features drawn out from discussions included an overwhelming preference for testosterone gels, inclusion of a hands-free applicator, quick post-application drying time, low amount of gel required per application and overall cost.